
Rest Parameters, Spread Operator and Default parameters for Functions

Rest Parameters, Spread Operator and default parameters for Functions are all great additions for JavaScript ES2015.

Promise anti-pattern

JavaScript promises have an important anti-pattern when it comes to using .then() with an error handler versus when using .catch() for handling errors.

Classes in TypeScript

Classes in TypeScript really extend JavaScript's (ES2015) class functionality and add their support for types and member access.

Classes in ECMAScript 2015

If you have worked with JavaScript before you may have heard the expression 'prototypal inheritance' or that JavaScript is a 'prototype' based language. As of ES2015 we can use the class keyword which adds syntactic sugar over the prototypes.

Declaring variables in ECMAScript 2015

The way you have defined variables in JavaScript for the past decade has always been the same – by using the `var` keyword. In the latest version of JavaScript (ES2015) you can declare variables using let and const.'

Functions in JavaScript

The latest version of JavaScript (ES2015) allows us to write functions in a different way by using the arrow function syntax. This not only allows for terser function declarations but also has additional benefits.

Interfaces in TypeScript

Interfaces provide a very powerful way of to define entities that most conform a definition – in other words it allows us to specify properties for entities.

Types in TypeScript

TypeScript uses data typing which is one of it's most important features for allowing developers to write better code.

Introduction to TypeScript

TypeScript is a language developed by Microsoft that, among other things, has type support. In this article we'll discover its basics including how to setup your environment to work with this language.


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