
Use Angular Custom Element in Vue.js

In this article, we'll now see how to use such custom elements outside Angular and in a supposedly competing framework, Vue.js.

Create and use Custom Elements with Angular

In this article, we'll take a look at the new custom elements feature in Angular6. We will see how to create a custom element as well as how to reuse it in a simple application.

res.json() vs res.send() vs res.end() in Express

In this article we are discussing the differences between the json(), send() and end() methods available as part of Express response object.

Introduction to GraphQL

In this article, we'll take a look at GraphQL and go through a basic example while exploring why it's a great supplement for REST APIs.

Why shouldn't JSONP​ be used?

JSONP is could be considered to be a useful way to avoid CORS errors however it has more cons than pros - this article discusses the most important factors.

Display real-time data in Angular

In this article, we'll be taking a look at two ways to display real-time data in an Angular application - one using a timeout and the other using sockets.

Unsubscribe from Angular/RxJS subscription

In this article, we are discussing when it is required to unsubscribe from an observable in Angular to avoid memory leaks.

Blockchain implementation using JavaScript

In this article, we are implementing a blockchain solution using JavaScript and while implementing, getting familiar with this emerging technology.

HTML Attributes vs DOM Properties

When working with various JavaScript frameworks, or only just by working in the field of web development, newcomers and novice developers often confuse attributes and properties concerning HTML pages. In this article, we'll clarify the difference between these two.


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