Tagged "Node.js"

Capturing user input in a Node.js application

This article discusses how to create an application in Node.js that will await input from a user via the readline built-in module.

How to pass command line arguments to a Node.js app?

In this article, we'll take a look at how to pass command line arguments to a Node.js application executing from the CLI.

RESTful API Design - POST vs PUT vs PATCH

In this blog post we'll not only explore these differences but also discuss idempotent and safe HTTP methods.

RESTful API Design - The basics

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the basics of REST APIs and design such APIs, in the context of Node.js and Express.

res.json() vs res.send() vs res.end() in Express

In this article we are discussing the differences between the json(), send() and end() methods available as part of Express response object.

How to find the version of an installed npm package?

In this article we are reviewing three ways to get the version numbers of local or global npm packages installed.

How to read environment variables in Node.js?

Storing secrets, usernames and passwords can be done in Node.js via environment variables. We'll take a look at how to manage these in this article.

'Unexpected Token Export' error

When trying to utilise the ES2015 export/import statements (aka ES2015 module syntax) in Node.js we are presented with the 'Unexpected Token Export' error. There's a reason why this error appears and in this article we'll investigate why this is happening.

How do you extract POST data in Node.js?

Often times when working with Node.js based web applications we are faced with an option to handle data sent from a form. In this article we'll take a look at how to extract POST data in Node.js

Securing a REST API

In this article we are discussing how to secure a REST API using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).

Async/await in Node.js

`async/await` is a great way to create asynchronous code and Node.js now supports these operators out of the box.

What's new in Express 5?

Express, the most used web server for Node.js has a new release coming out soon. In this article we discuss the changes Express 5 will bring.